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Friday, 21 October 2011


African man, Melanin man, What' up black man?

Are you still content with your social domain?

They call you an animal instead of a man

Black man, African man, Melanin man What' up black man?

What's the politics with the size of your dick?

You appear physically strong but you're emoyionally weak

In moments of emotion you find it hard to speak

Your heart is as solid as a brick

You even turned homosexual in persuit of a hole to insert your dick

But you act all homophobic when you see me in my skinny jeans

You care more about having an anaconda size dick

But you think with your nuts 'cause you have a peanut size brain

Nigga are you nutts?

What' up black man?

Who is the man now black man?

You left your household and abandoned your family and kids for a bottle of henessey, four beers and sexual ecstacy

Forsaken the love and respect of the woman who loves you for a difficult easy access inbetween the thighs of an exploited woman in the streets of Hillbrow

No protection, imperfect perfection now you have to see your reflection

A broken reflection of an African man, Melanin man, What' up black man?

No leaders, no anchors, no fucking light in our community

Because infront of our eyes black man has lost his dignity

Ironic enough I am a black man with an opportunity

An opportunity to conscientise the community

Through poetry and art I am a respected man in society.

Black men with english cut suits and BEE ties

Fronting to be business men with a fancy title of BEE's

But exposing their asses in office scandals, fraud and curruption scams

From hundredaires to millionaires in a blink of an eye through the process of tenderpreneurs

Fuck this has been going on for years...